A Vegetarian Dish A Month – Mar 2024: Vegan Oyster Sauce Noodles

A Vegetarian Dish A Month – Mar 2024: Vegan Oyster Sauce Noodles

For March, I wanted to make a vegan dish that is super simple and easy to make, while still checking off all the nutritional boxes. I saw this dish on Instagram that was really simple! Tofu, whatever veggies you have, some noodles, and a simple vegan oyster sauce.

March 2024: Vegan Oyster Sauce Noodles

I love noodles, and I’ve always appreciated how easy it is to do Chinese-style cooking that is vegan but still flavorful and nutritious! They’ve had vegan food for China for centuries, and they know how to make simple things with no meat taste really good.

This was also the first time I thought “Man, I should probably blog about these recipes every month” started to take some half-decent photos of what I made, so here was the end result!

My vegan oyster sauce noodles!

The Recipe

I’ve actually tried to track down the actual recipe I used, but I can’t find it anymore, which isn’t a problem since it was so simple I have it memorized!

Here’s all it took:

  • Fry some tofu in oil, remove the tofu.
  • Add some garlic and green onions to the oil, once they’ve cooked through, put them in a bowl and mix in some vegan oyster sauce.
  • Cook up some veggies (I blanched some baby spinach, but you could do as much variety as you’d like! Pan fry some broccoli, carrots, and peanuts!)
  • Boil the noodles, put them in a bowl.
  • Put the veggies and tofu over the noodles and pour the sauce over the lot.
  • Enjoy!

The Verdict

For this recipe, most of the flavor comes from the vegan oyster sauce, which I was able to find pretty easily – I was surprised to see the local Safeway had it, though I had to wipe the dust off. It looked like it had been on the shelf for a while.

The recipe was so easy, I made it two or three times that week, each time with some small changes to mix it up. The first time I made it, the garlic was a little too raw and it ended up being too spicy, and if you’re not careful with the amount, the oyster sauce can be way too strong and salty. Other than that, it’s a pretty hard recipe to mess up and only takes 20 minutes to make.

This was exactly the kind of recipe I was looking for when I started this challenge. I wanted quick and easy recipes that I could make with whatever’s in the fridge, and this one delivered!

The Wrap-Up

Any suggestions for other quick and easy vegan recipes? I’m still on the lookout for more and haven’t decided what else I’m going to make yet. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

Thanks for reading, all!

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