TSL:SFN – Furniture for a Healthy Home and Planet w/ L. Christina Cobb

TSL:SFN – Furniture for a Healthy Home and Planet w/ L. Christina Cobb

UrbisEco Home was founded to address the surprising fact that indoor air is often 2-5 times more polluted than outdoor air, even in cities. This realization drove the founder, L. Christina Cobb, a sustainable living expert with a background in furniture, to spend over 10,000 hours researching the health and environmental impacts of home furnishings and earning certifications from the […]

The Joy of Sustainability – Plant-Based Milks

The Joy of Sustainability – Plant-Based Milks

Got milk? Heck yeah, I do. But it doesn’t come from these: I mean, honestly, when you really think about it, the idea of drinking milk is pretty gross right from the start. Come on, would you drink your mother’s breastmilk right now? How about your friends mother’s? Some you don’t know’s? Or even your wife’s? What about your dog’s? […]

The Joy of Sustainability #004 – Water-Wise Water Closet

The Joy of Sustainability #004 – Water-Wise Water Closet

Ka-whoooosh, sssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh, glug-waahhhh…..sssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…. Okay, I did my best. Who can tell me what household object makes this sound? Undoubtedly because my sound effect descriptions are terrible (I need to read more comic books), it is perfectly natural that you have no idea. The correct answer is the humble toilet! And in my case, every time this sound was heard through […]

The Joy of Sustainability #002 – DIY Toothpaste

The Joy of Sustainability #002 – DIY Toothpaste

Ever wish you could ditch the guilt associated with throwing away a tube of toothpaste every month? Do you ever go to the supermarket toothpaste aisle and just feel like all the different kinds of toothpastes flavors and benefits are just a bunch of marketing ploys designed to make them all sound better than they actually are? Do you ever […]

TSL:SFN – Follow-Up w/ Lizzie Horvitz

TSL:SFN – Follow-Up w/ Lizzie Horvitz

Lizzie Horvitz is back to discuss her challenge and how it went! If you don’t remember, she founded Finch, a browser extension that helps you select sustainable products on Amazon. It’s a tool that educates people on the ins and outs of sustainability, making it easier to shop sustainably online, add more transparency to online purchases, and dispel lots of […]

This Sustainable Life: Solve For Nature – Sayonara, Single-Use! w/ Isabel Aagaard

This Sustainable Life: Solve For Nature – Sayonara, Single-Use! w/ Isabel Aagaard

Isabel Aagaard is an entrepreneur and collaborative designer on a mission to eliminate single-use plastic by creating reusable alternatives to single-use items we use daily. She’s the creator of the world’s first reusable cotton swab, LastSwab, which raised more than 1.2M USD from more than 30,000 backers on crowdfunding platforms. Her products are made to last more than 1000 times […]

5 Things You Can Do to Live ECO on Lockdown

5 Things You Can Do to Live ECO on Lockdown

Being environmentally-friendly during a time when it’s hard to get out of your house to visit the environment can be tricky, but it’s not impossible! Most of the impact we have on the world comes from the choices that we make in the home. So today I wanted to bring up a few things that you can do to help […]

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