Eco Living
The Joy of Sustainability – Plant-Based Milks

The Joy of Sustainability – Plant-Based Milks

Got milk?

Heck yeah, I do.

But it doesn’t come from these:

I mean, honestly, when you really think about it, the idea of drinking milk is pretty gross right from the start.

Come on, would you drink your mother’s breastmilk right now? How about your friends mother’s? Some you don’t know’s? Or even your wife’s? What about your dog’s?

There’s a good chance the thought of every single one of those were pretty repulsive to you.

And yet, when you see this…

You might think “I’d love to much on a few oreos dunked in that stuff.”

I get it.

We’ve been born and raised with the idea that drinking this stuff is normal so we all think it’s fine. I did too. I spent most of my life drinking it. But when you think about it, cow’s milk is a soup of fats, sugars, and hormones designed to turn this…

…Into this:

Dog milk is for baby dogs. Human milk is for baby humans. Cow milk is for baby cows.

…And we haven’t even gotten into the moral discussion of the abhorrent treatment of dairy cows. That’s a darker post for a darker day.

Plant-Based “Milks”

Today, I want to focus on a milk that is considerably less gross and brings me joy: plant-based milks!

For most of my life, I drank cows milk, but a couple years back I ended up watching Cowspiracy, which helped me to realize how weird it is. It was time to look into alternatives…Oat milk, soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, rice milk, hemp milk, pea milk, macadamia milk, cashew milk…There are over two dozen types of plant-based milks out there, and looking into them was diving into a deep rabbit hole – Which are the most expensive or least expensive? Which milks use less water to produce? Which use less land? Are there any social justice issues or moral issues surrounding any of them? Which just taste better? Which are good in coffee? Which can I use instead of milk in baking recipes? Or cooking recipes?

Which do you like in coffee? How about to drink straight? How about for cooking?

It was plant-based milk overload, so I decided to just start trying them out.

And you know what? I discovered that was kind of the best part of it! Exploring plant based milks can be a big confusing mess or it can be an exciting new taste-tastic experience of unexplored flavors and textures of drinks you’ve never had! Thinking about it that way, it seems a lot more of a joy than an annoyance.

As I began my journey into the world of plant-based milks, I found that each one had its unique qualities and uses. Oat milk, with its creamy consistency, I enjoyed MORE than cows milk in morning coffee. Coconut milk, while not my favorite for cooking or coffee due to how thin it is, became my go-to beverage for a refreshing guzzle. Macadamia milk, though a bit on the expensive side, was a rare treat with its rich and nutty taste. Soy milk emerged as the dependable, cost-effective all-rounder, seamlessly replacing cow’s milk in various recipes.

These aren’t my favorite brands, they were just what I had at home at the time. There are better brands I like more.

And I know some of you are thinking, “Eugene that soy milk you’re drinking is loaded with all kinds of chemical thickeners and preservatives and is just as processed as regular cows milk.”

And you’re probably right. That’s probably true. In my own defence, I don’t only buy the brands I took pictures with…I mix it up quite a bit. I also have a future goal to eventually make my own plant-based milks (particularly oat milk. Oats are cheap!), but until I get there (and you’ll hear about it when I do), I’ll have to stick with store bought.

You know what else is weird? A few months ago I tried to drink some cows milk after a year and a half long break…and it did not have nearly the appeal it used to. After months of plant-based milk, cows milk tasted really gamey and sour to me. The smell was also…Not appealing. That experience pretty much cemented it for me in my mind: I’m plant-based for milks for good.

In full transparency, I do eat cheese a few times a week, though I’m always looking for suitable replacements and other ways of cutting that out of my diet as well.

Cheers! To plant milks. Less death and suffering for equivalent (or better) taste than “real” milks.

All in all, the real joy of exploring these plant-based milks was the adventure of discovery itself. It allowed me to break free from the monotony of cow’s milk and embark on a delightful journey of uncharted flavors and textures. Whether it’s trying almond milk in a smoothie, experimenting with rice milk in baking, or simply enjoying a glass of hemp milk on its own, each experience felt like a small, joyful discovery. Plant-based milks opened up a world of possibilities, both in terms of flavor and environmental impact, and I couldn’t be happier to have made the switch. It’s also the far better moral choice, as the injustices involved with the dairy industry are pretty disturbing. So, if you’re still on the fence about trying plant-based milks, I encourage you to take the leap and savor the joyous exploration of these dairy alternatives; you might just find your new favorite milk in the process!

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