TSL: SFN – Sustainable Farming: Ocean Style w/ Neil Sims

TSL: SFN – Sustainable Farming: Ocean Style w/ Neil Sims

Neil Sims is a marine biologist with a professional commitment to “softening mankind’s footprint on the seas”. After working in fisheries management he began to recognize the need for us all to move “more towards a culture of nurture” of marine resources rather than a purely extractive approach. As marine finfish stocks worldwide continued to decline, Neil and his partners saw both opportunity and imperative to apply their invertebrate hatchery and growout expertise to help solve the world’s looming seafood crisis and formed Ocean Era, formerly Kampachi Farms.

Ocean Era focuses on the global need for expanded production of high-value, marine fin-fish, and pursuit of “next generation” technologies, including: remote offshore culture systems, more sustainable and scale-able feeds, and new species based in Hawaii. Through innovative research, and application of the best available science, Ocean Era strives to remain on the cutting edge of healthy, environmentally responsible seafood.

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