Eco Living
TSL:SFN – Sustainably Scoring Amazon w/ Lizzie Horvitz

TSL:SFN – Sustainably Scoring Amazon w/ Lizzie Horvitz

Lizzie Horvitz has been passionate about sustainability since the age of 16 when she lived off the grid. It was there that, depending only on wind energy and rainwater, she saw the solution of climate change before fully understanding the problem.

She founded Finch, a browser extension that helps you select sustainable products on Amazon. It’s a tool that educates people on the ins and outs of sustainability by turning complex scientific facts into simple, actionable insights. Their goal is to make it easier to shop sustainably online, add more transparency to online purchases, and dispel lots of the myths around the nonsense marketing terms like “green,” or “organic” that drive consumer behavior but has little impact.

Find Lizzie Horvitz online:

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