About Me
The Verdant Growth Daily

The Verdant Growth Daily

As part of my ‘start of 2021 re-thinking Verdant Growth’ efforts, I spent a lot of time thinking what I can do to be a more effective leader to those wanting to live better. One thing that came to me is that if I want to lead people more effectively, they need to feel comfortable with me. There needs to be a level of comfort, trust, and respect. To get that, I need to be showing a lot more of who I really am: not just the edited, cleaned up Eugene, but the raw, unedited, everyday Eugene.

So I decided to start a live daily vlog.

I wanted to create a place where people could come connect with me: ask questions, see me as a regular guy, and connect with me on a more personal level. To me that meant going live. That way I can respond to chat, and maybe present a more casual place to talk about environmental stuff that is always swirling around my headspace.

I decided to also upload the video to YouTube so anyone who can’t make it live can watch the daily, and the audio to several podcasting platforms in case anyone just wants to hear what I have to say without having to deal with seeing my face.

So come join the conversation!

I’m excited to start this! I’m not sure exactly how the details of this are going to work out: what time I go live, how many platforms I’ll stream to, how I communicate with everyone…But I figure I’ll learn as I go.

For now, find me on Twitter where I’ll be posting 30 minutes before I go live, whenever that may be.

Watch/Listen LIVE

Watch/Listen to Past Episodes



You can find an RSS feed of my podcast by clicking on the link on the menu bar, or by going to https://verdantgrowth.blog/verdant-growth-daily. The podcast is also available on many of the major podcast platforms.

I’ll also be make a post on my blog each time an episode goes up! So you can also just subscribe to this blog to get emails every time I post anything, anywhere!

Subscribe to Verdant Growth to get notified when posts go live!

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