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7 Environmentally-Friendly Instagram Influencers You Should Know

7 Environmentally-Friendly Instagram Influencers You Should Know

Instagram is without a doubt one of the biggest sources of influencing and influencers in popular culture today. With over 1 BILLION active users every month, and over 500 MILLION people using the app every day, Instagram serves as a great window into popular culture, as well as being an excellent tool for anyone who wants to reach out and influence and touch the lives of people all over the world.

Instagram is literally EVERYWHERE these days.

With user numbers in the billions, you can find Instagram accounts that post about just about anything you could possibly want to know about, and eco-living is no exception. Maybe you’re looking to make changes in your life to become a little more earth-friendly, or maybe you just heard about the environmentally-friendly movement and wanted to see what it’s about, or maybe you just think eco is fancy!

Let’s navigate the bamboo forest of Instagram users for the best eco accounts!

Whatever the reason, there are some amazing Instagram accounts out there for you to follow! I follow quite a few eco-friendly Instagrams, but there are a few I definitely recommend as being miles above the others, either because they provide great information on the current state of the environment, encourage me to be more environmentally-friendly, or because they offer amazing tips to apply to my life!

This is my list of 7 Environmentally-Friendly Instagram Influencers You Should Know!

1. LiveKindlyCo

(LiveKindlyCo on Instagram)

LiveKindlyCo is a fantastic vegan blog with 3900+ posts and over 401k followers. With daily posts about living an animal-friendly lifestyle, it’s almost always near the top of my feed with animal-humane news, pictures of new yummy-vegan foods, and plenty of tips and how-tos encouraging veganism.

2. Reducewastenow

(Reducewastenow on Instagram)

Reduce Waste Now is exactly what it sounds like! With purchase recommendations for all your eco swaps and tips for reducing your waste, they put you in the right mindset to bring your trash pickups down to once every 6 months! With 600+ posts and over 106k followers, they are hugely popular with a ton of zero-waste content that you won’t run out of any time soon.

3. Tinytipsthatshaketheworld

(Tinytipsthatshaketheworld on Instagram)

I am all about making small changes that improve your life and make your life more environmentally friendly. And Tiny Tips That Shake The World provide me with all the tiny tips for small changes I could ever need, with more being added every day. It’s a newer channel, still only having a couple hundred posts, but all of their original posts are clean, simple and stylish graphics with a message. They’ve only got 11.3k followers so far, but they deserve some more! There isn’t a person out there that wouldn’t benefit from their positive tips!

4. Trashisfortossers

(Trashisfortossers on Instagram)

Trashisfortossers is the Instagram account of Lauren Singer, the CEO of the PackageFreeShop (, and as one of the 2020 Forbes 30 Social Entrepreneurs Under 30 list, is a big name in the eco-friendly community! Her over 1800 posts all aim to encourage us to go Zero-Waste with reusable products that don’t need disposable packaging! Her and her 383k+ followers all have a goal to eliminate waste from our daily lives, and I can’t say I disagree with it!

5. Zeroxplastic

(Zeroxplastic on Instagram)

Zero Plastic is on a mission. A mission to end plastic pollution. And with its followers in the  252k+ range, I’d say they’re doing a great job of influencing more than a few people. With 800+ posts that range from funny eco-friendly memes to beautiful nature photos with a message, Zeroxplastic is a light-hearted, easy to binge channel with plenty of positive messages about reducing plastic usage and reducing your impact on the environment!

6. Lets_talk_environment

(Lets_talk_environment on Instagram)

Let’sTalkEnvironment is one of my favorite sources for news, facts, and encouraging quotes about the planet and the environment. Most of their content is reposted (the above picture is a repost from @manuelbergmann, another great eco Instagram page!), but it’s well-curated and they always credit the original poster. They have so much great stuff gathered into one nice page, I visit often. Their eco-messaging and news always encourage me to push a LITTLE more to be environmentally friendly. Let’sTalkEnvironment’s 500+ posts offer hard facts with a positive, inspiring tone that their 12.8k followers and I all approve of and click over to see every day.

7. Everydayclimatechange

(Everydayclimatechange on Instagram)

This Instagram account is SO GOOD I saved it for last. By far one of my favorite Instagram accounts out there, Everydayclimatechange is an account featuring a diverse range of excellent photographers that work SO hard to capture impactful photos about how our world is being devastated by climate change. Their collection of photos are always of the “front lines” of the battle against climate change and are always emotionally powerful and moving. With over 3000+ amazing posts, 144k followers are not nearly as many as they deserve. An absolute MUST.

Final shameless plug: Me!

(VerdantGrowth on Instagram)

Last, if you’ve already Followed the above 7 people and you STILL have a spare moment, drop by my Instagram and give me a follow as well! I try to post the latest eco news and positive words of encouragement for the everyday person who wants to make their life a little more eco-friendly! I’d appreciate it hugely!

Got some recommendations of your own?

There are DEFINITELY fantastic Eco Instagram accounts that I’m missing, so let me know in the comments down below! Which are your favorite Instagram accounts to follow that encourage YOU to be more environmentally friendly?

Are you looking to start your eco-friendly journey? Maybe it’s time to eco-swap some of your plastic things to more sustainable alternatives? Read my recommendations here!

Cover photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

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