

I failed! I’ve already failed to do what I promised myself in one month: blog once a week. I only blogged 3 times in February. And speaking honestly, while not totally unexpected, I feel disappointed in myself. It certainly happened sooner than I expected it to. But it’s these times that are the most important when you take on something […]

The Story of Verdant Growth

The Story of Verdant Growth

Growing Up Kinda Outdoorsy While I wouldn’t say I was a kid with a passion for nature and the environment, I definitely enjoyed spending time in nature: I was a boy scout. I used to go camping all over California. We would go canoeing, swimming, hiking, backpacking…I have a lot of fond memories being outdoors. I remember riding a bike […]

Anger Addiction Part 2/2

Anger Addiction Part 2/2

This is part 2 of my thoughts on anger: how it can be addictive, and how to help rid your life of it! If you’re interested in reading the first part, check it out here: Anger is a secondary emotion Last post, I talked about how anger is a secondary emotion: it is always a mask, hiding some other emotion, […]

Anger Addiction Part 1/2

Anger Addiction Part 1/2

Got anger? There’s a trend I’ve noticed among people, friends, family, and people on the internet: anger is becoming more and more prolific. Does anyone else out there feel this way? People have always found things to be angry about, sure, but recently I find that it’s been getting particularly bad. No doubt it has some to do with the […]

The Meaning of Aloha: Sustainability the Hawaiian Way

The Meaning of Aloha: Sustainability the Hawaiian Way

Aloha! I recently moved to Hawaii. You may have noticed the lack of blog posts, YouTube videos, and content from anything other than my social media (and the occasional podcast episode for This Sustainable Life). It’s been busy getting a new job and getting a whole new life set up for me and my wife and daughter with everything from […]

Goals to Grow: 2022

Goals to Grow: 2022

Go Bigger or Go Home. Here we are at the start of 2022. What have I accomplished? How far have I come? Have I had an impact? What do I want in 2022? These are all questions I ask myself as I think about what changes and improvements I want to make in my life going into 2022. In 2021, […]

A New Chapter for Verdant Growth

A New Chapter for Verdant Growth

Hey world, it’s me, Eugene. I’m baaaack. Where’ve you been? For those of you who don’t know, back in April 2021, I moved back to the United States after living abroad for almost 10 years (3 years in South Korea and 7 years in Japan). I was an English teacher for pretty much the whole time, but I always wanted […]

The Road to Happiness

The Road to Happiness

Want to find more happiness? Add more challenge to your life. There’s something that I’ve come to learn from my sustainability journey: challenge always appears hard, but the result is always more happiness. When you challenge yourself to do something, it’s likely to be something you aspire to; a change to take you a step closer to who you want […]

What Makes a Good YouTube Sustainability Channel?

What Makes a Good YouTube Sustainability Channel?

So recently, as I pack boxes to move to America, and without my YouTube channel, it’s forced me into a different mindset. I went from always thinking about “What should my next video’s topic be?” to now thinking more broadly about questions like: What makes a good YouTube channel?How do I reach more people, not just already environmentally-minded people?How do […]

The VG Daily: 038 – I’m Moving to America!

The VG Daily: 038 – I’m Moving to America!

So after doing the daily for nearly 40 episodes, I’m moving to America, which means I need to take a bit of a break to move my entire life across the Pacific ocean. I will hopefully be back in some capacity after the move, but it will depend on my job situation, living situation, etc. Make sure to follow me […]

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