We Are Nature

We Are Nature

We are not apart from nature.We are a part of nature.We are nature.And nature is us. Harm we do to nature is harm we do ourselves.Good we do to nature is good we do ourselves.We are nature.And nature is us. This is a set of sentences (Dare I call them a poem?) that I’ve been thinking about a lot recently. […]

TSL:SFN – Carbon Negative Concrete w/ Tim Sperry (Carbon Limit)

TSL:SFN – Carbon Negative Concrete w/ Tim Sperry (Carbon Limit)

Tim Sperry, the CEO of Carbon Limit, is a scientist entrepreneur who has founded two climate tech companies using novel Carbon Capture & storage technologies. After losing close family members as a child to lung cancer, he developed a strong passion for protecting nature and solving global CO2 pollution. He has found early success by creating effective yet efficiently adaptable […]

Starting Sustainable – Suggestions on where to start when looking for new, sustainable actions to take

Starting Sustainable – Suggestions on where to start when looking for new, sustainable actions to take

When hosting the This Sustainable Life: Solve For Nature podcast, I’m frequently helping others try to find personal challenges in sustainability. The goal is always to find a challenge that aligns with my guest’s values. This means focusing on my guest’s experiences in nature and what they love to feel in those environments, and then help guide them towards a […]

TSL:SFN – Follow-Up w/ Lizzie Horvitz

TSL:SFN – Follow-Up w/ Lizzie Horvitz

Lizzie Horvitz is back to discuss her challenge and how it went! If you don’t remember, she founded Finch, a browser extension that helps you select sustainable products on Amazon. It’s a tool that educates people on the ins and outs of sustainability, making it easier to shop sustainably online, add more transparency to online purchases, and dispel lots of […]

Leadership Step-By-Step – Personal Essay #3: Inner Monologue

Leadership Step-By-Step – Personal Essay #3: Inner Monologue

The Leadership Step-By-Step chapter 3 is titled “Inner Monologue” and challenged me to write my entire inner monologue a few times a day. Basically, just write every thought that comes into your head as they come into your head. At first, it was really hard to do. Thinking about your own thinking immediately tends to make the thoughts stop, but […]

TSL:SFN – Smart Designs for Conservation w/ Adarsh Ambati

TSL:SFN – Smart Designs for Conservation w/ Adarsh Ambati

Adarsh Ambati, age 16, of California, has been utilizing his talents to design new technologies to help conserve nature! He designed a moisture sensor-based smart sprinkler system that integrates real-time weather forecast data and soil moisture levels to provide optimum levels of water for huge water savings. He also designed a very low-cost, rapid diagnostic to detect the presence of […]

All The Small (ECO) Things

All The Small (ECO) Things

There’s this nice thing that comes from doing sustainable things: it almost always has positive effects in other, related areas as well. Some examples: But there are certain things that I do that have a positive impact on the planet…But only a tiny insignificant amount, and yet I continue to do not because it’s good for the planet, but purely […]

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