Your impact is small. We hear it all the time. Your individual action will have such a tiny impact on the environment it almost doesn’t matter at all. It’s pretty much true. And that’s okay. Unless you’re a Bill Gates, Elon Musk, or Mark Zuckerburg, most people’s actions have very little effect on the world as a whole. The same […]
The VG Daily: 036 – The Spodek Method: Making Meaningful, Sustainable Changes
Today we’re talking about the methodology we use on the This Sustainable Life podcast to walk people through the process of taking on a meaningful personal sustainability challenge that will start you on your sustainability journey! Grab a friend and give it a try! Joshua Spodek: Josh’s TEDx Talk:
I’m on Clubhouse!
So 2 weeks after getting an invite to the app, I was finally able to login to my account! There was a problem in creating my account so I had to wait for tech support for forever, but for those of you who have been able to get on Clubhouse, I’m going to be trying to start a Live ECO […]
The VG Daily: 019 – Why I’m Quitting Meat Part 2: The Science
Continuing yesterdays discussion about why I’m quitting meat. We talked about the emotions and feelings involved in eating meat, then we thought about how that meat is connected to the world around me. Today, we’re going to look a little bit into some science behind those feelings to see if those feelings are justified. A real-life example of how to […]
The VG Daily: 018 – Why I’m Quitting Meat Part 1: Feelings and Emotions
If you’ve listened to past episodes, you know what it means now to Live ECO, but now we need to apply it to our lives! Today, I wanted to share my experience with becoming environmentally-conscious about meat. Tomorrow, we’ll get into the science and the reasons why meat is bad for the environment to reinforce our sense and feelings we […]
The VG Daily: 017 – I’m ECO. Now what?
I talked before about how to me, to live ECO means to live a life that is Environmentally-COnscious. Becoming aware of our connection to nature is the start to a sustainable life…But it’s only the start. What do you do next?
The VG Daily: 008 – Why living ECO is NOT a sacrifice
Today we’re going to address one of the things I hear a lot: “I don’t have time to be ECO. I can’t be more ECO. I can’t be bothered with being ECO. I can’t sacrifice like you can.” Sound familiar? Everyone thinks that living more sustainably means making sacrifices and giving up things you love. But I would venture a […]
The VG Daily: 003 – Individual Action
Why is individual change just as important as industry/corporate/government change in environment? That’s what we’re talking about today! Thanks to everyone who tuned in!
YT: The 12 Best Things You Can Do to Fight Climate Change
We all have to change our lifestyles to save ourselves from the worst effects of climate change. Here are 12 things you can do to reduce your CO2 emissions! Vox Charities to Donate To:… LED Lights (Affiliate): Smart Thermostat (Affiliate):
A Different Perspective
In a previous post, I talked about how getting a dog brought unexpected positive things to my life, despite thinking it was going to be mostly a nuisance to my busy life. One of those things is that I ended up getting out of the house and exploring the neighborhood a lot more. It meant exploring the hills and forest […]