Earth Day 2021: Change Your World

Earth Day 2021: Change Your World

Your impact is small. We hear it all the time. Your individual action will have such a tiny impact on the environment it almost doesn’t matter at all. It’s pretty much true. And that’s okay. Unless you’re a Bill Gates, Elon Musk, or Mark Zuckerburg, most people’s actions have very little effect on the world as a whole. The same […]

I’m on Clubhouse!

I’m on Clubhouse!

So 2 weeks after getting an invite to the app, I was finally able to login to my account! There was a problem in creating my account so I had to wait for tech support for forever, but for those of you who have been able to get on Clubhouse, I’m going to be trying to start a Live ECO […]

The VG Daily: 008 – Why living ECO is NOT a sacrifice

The VG Daily: 008 – Why living ECO is NOT a sacrifice

Today we’re going to address one of the things I hear a lot: “I don’t have time to be ECO. I can’t be more ECO. I can’t be bothered with being ECO. I can’t sacrifice like you can.” Sound familiar? Everyone thinks that living more sustainably means making sacrifices and giving up things you love. But I would venture a […]

A Different Perspective

A Different Perspective

In a previous post, I talked about how getting a dog brought unexpected positive things to my life, despite thinking it was going to be mostly a nuisance to my busy life. One of those things is that I ended up getting out of the house and exploring the neighborhood a lot more. It meant exploring the hills and forest […]

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