End of the Year Update: 2020

End of the Year Update: 2020

2020 has been a crazy year. We’ve all had to do a lot of staying at home. Some of us have lost loved ones. Some of us have lost jobs. Some of us have lost homes. There’s was a lot of suffering and a lot to be sad, angry, and frustrated about…but it wasn’t all bad news. We had some […]

My Initiative Journey: Exercise 3 – 5 Close Contacts

My Initiative Journey: Exercise 3 – 5 Close Contacts

Exercise 3 Deliverables: Think of 5 close people, friends or family members. The goal is to get 5 pieces of advice on any combination of the projects, and 1 vote from each person. Sample Script: “I’m doing an entrepreneurial exercise. I’m going to tell you 5 problems and 5 solutions. I will then ask you for 5 pieces of advice, […]

My Initiative Journey: Exercise 1 – Personal Essay

My Initiative Journey: Exercise 1 – Personal Essay

The Initiative Journey begins with a personal essay on yourself. Write about why you decided to do this methodology, about your field of interest, and finally, make 3 lists of people: 3 people closer to your field of interest3 people with high status or value in your field3 relevant role models Exercise 1 – Personal Essay As a homeschooled child, […]

My Initiative Journey: Preface

My Initiative Journey: Preface

I’ve been at a crossroads for a while now; the end of this chapter of my life and the start of a new one: after teaching English in Asia for over 8 years, I’m transitioning back my original career path of engineering, preferably in an industry that is helping to solve environmental problems and fight climate change. Renewable energy, carbon […]

Why You Shouldn’t Listen to Me

Why You Shouldn’t Listen to Me

No Eco-Tips, Please. I recently read a report of a study that was done at Georgia State University that said that when confronted with the ideas of climate change and “eco-friendly tips” or “environmentally-friendly living advice”, more people were turned off and less likely to make changes to the way they live. And I can understand why.  Most websites advocating […]

Why I Pick Up Trash, And Why You Should Too

Why I Pick Up Trash, And Why You Should Too

Are you looking for an easy eco-challenge to take on? The first challenge I took on when I decided to start this eco journey was to pick up at least one piece of trash every day for 30 days. It barely takes any effort at all (the hardest part is just getting out of the house), but it can lead […]

The Verdant Growth YouTube is LIVE!

The Verdant Growth YouTube is LIVE!

The Verdant Growth blog is going LIVE in video form! Don’t worry, we’re still going with the blog, but in order to reach as wide of an audience and influence as many people as possible, we decided to start the Verdant Growth YouTube channel! It’s still a new venture, so we’re still learning how to properly shoot and edit the […]

Hello world! I’m here to fix you!

Hello world! I’m here to fix you!

This is Verdant Growth. This is a place where we learn how to transition to a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle TOGETHER. I made this blog (and an accompanying YouTube channel and Instagram) in order to document my life as I transition to a more eco-friendly lifestyle, and it’s my goal to teach you how to do it with me! I’m going […]

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