Can you believe the hype? Are bamboo toothbrushes really as environmentally friendly as they say? Are they REALLY 100% biodegradable? Are they as effective as their plastic counterparts at cleaning your teeth? Is there an even BETTER option than bamboo?
6 Easy Eco Swaps You Can Make RIGHT NOW
These days there are so many ways that you can make your life more environmentally friendly. Some of them require that you change your habits, like becoming vegetarian or vegan, only buying foods without packaging, or riding a bike to work, but here are 10 eco swaps you can make TODAY with minor or no changes at all to your […]
The Verdant Growth “WHY”
I love the environment. I believe that whether you’re democrat or republican… American, Chinese, or African… Christian, Buddhist, or athiest… A clean earth benefits everyone. I believe it’s our responsibility to minimize our impact on the environment, not just because we HAVE to, but because we CAN. I believe we can change the world. And I believe you can too. […]
Hello world! I’m here to fix you!
This is Verdant Growth. This is a place where we learn how to transition to a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle TOGETHER. I made this blog (and an accompanying YouTube channel and Instagram) in order to document my life as I transition to a more eco-friendly lifestyle, and it’s my goal to teach you how to do it with me! I’m going […]