Today I decided to go unscripted and candid, and decided to talk about why I started Verdant Growth: the problems in environment and society I see and the two strategies I want to use in my life to fight them.
The VG Daily: 010 – A Different Perspective
On my walk with Manoa today, I suddenly came to a break in the trees that gave me a view of all of Osaka, as well as a new perspective on human society. Also….I made it thought 10 episodes! I’m excited for me. Thanks so much to everyone who has come along for the journey. I appreciate all of you!
The VG Daily: 009 – Meditation & Awareness
The term ‘meditation’ comes with a lot of baggage, but the awareness that it teaches is so valuable in learning to live by your own values. It will help you to create better connections with your family and friends, nature, and yourself. Here’s why! Headspace Guide to Meditation (Affiliate):
The VG Daily: 008 – Why living ECO is NOT a sacrifice
Today we’re going to address one of the things I hear a lot: “I don’t have time to be ECO. I can’t be more ECO. I can’t be bothered with being ECO. I can’t sacrifice like you can.” Sound familiar? Everyone thinks that living more sustainably means making sacrifices and giving up things you love. But I would venture a […]
The VG Daily: 007 – Joshua Spodek
Today we’re talking about Joshua Spodek, PhD, MBA, host of This Sustainable Life podcast, award winning author of Leadership: Step by Step, and most environmentally-friendly person I know. He was my inspiration for starting Verdant Growth and is now teaching me to lead others on environment. He’s an incredible person, and I highly recommend you watch/read/listen to everything he’s posted. […]
The VG Daily: 006 – Plastic is Great
In today’s daily, I wanted to dispel the myth that I hate plastic. I don’t! Plastic is great…And awful. And here’s why!
The VG Daily: 005 – Plastic Recycling is a Myth
After my discussion yesterday on A Plastic Ocean, I decided to continue the plastics discussion with a talk about why plastic recycling is really a myth.
The VG Daily: 004 – A Plastic Ocean
I watched A Plastic Ocean on Netflix last night and it was an eye opening experience for me. On episode 4, I talk about what I saw, how I felt, and what we can do to reduce our mindless consumption of plastic. Be sure to check out A Plastic Ocean on Netflix! UPDATE: Just found out you can watch the […]
This Sustainable Life: Solve For Nature
I’m excited to announce that I will be the host for the new podcast, This Sustainable Life: Solve For Nature a branch of the This Sustainable Life podcast by Joshua Spodek! My goal with TSL: Solve For Nature is to invite guests who are working on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) solutions in nature and the environment to discuss […]
The VG Daily: 003 – Individual Action
Why is individual change just as important as industry/corporate/government change in environment? That’s what we’re talking about today! Thanks to everyone who tuned in!