Continuing my New Years’ Resolution to cook at least one new vegetarian or vegan dish every month for every month in 2024, this month I took to Instagram to find what I wanted to make for February, 2024. February 2024: Pink Pasta (Vegan) I am a pasta fanatic, and I’ve always been really curious about vegan “cream” sauce pastas, so […]
TSL:SFN – Building Greener Buildings w/ Brian Falcon (Alter Eco)
Brian Falcon has always been passionate about sustainable living and design. He is a registered architect in Pennsylvania, and became a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional (LEED®AP) in 2004, to focus professionally on sustainability and energy efficiency. In 2008, he founded the Berks/Lancaster Green Building Association to help local, like-minded professionals collectively expand their green building skills […]
A Vegetarian Dish A Month – January 2024: Vegan Meatloaf
It’s currently April 4th, 2024. And like most people, I’m not usually one to maintain New Years’ Resolutions for more than a month or two. But this year I’ve succeeded in one. (So far.) Since I was worried I wouldn’t go through with it, I didn’t write about it, but now that we’re a few months in and I’m not […]
TSL:SFN – Solo Episode: Upcoming Changes to Solve For Nature
I’ve made it past the 50 episode mark, and there are some minor changes I’d like to make to the format of the show. Subscribe on your favorite podcast platform!
Climate Stories Ambassador Workshop – Week 1
This week, I began attending a workshop offered by the Climate Stories Project ( called the Climate Stories Ambassador Workshop. The goal of the workshop is to create more Climate Stories Ambassadors, people who are wanting to go out and encourage more people to share their climate stories and engage more people on climate change. Over the 3-workshop course, we […]
TSL:SFN – A River Divided w/ George Paxinos
Environmental activist and renowned neuroscientist, George Paxinos has identified and named more brain areas than anyone in history and published 57 books. His atlases and concepts of brain organization are used by most scientists working on the relationship between the brain and cognition, emotion, motivation and thought, including neurologic or psychiatric diseases such as Alzheimer’s and depression. His latest book […]
Method Initiative (Round 4) – Exercise 9 – Second Personal Essay
For the first time ever, I’ve made it to the final exercises in Josh Spodek’s Initiative book on bringing your passions to life. It took four rounds of going back to square one and building up a project and over 4 years, but I finally found a project that resonated enough with me to keep wanting to push forward: a […]
Method Initiative (Round 4) – Exercise 8 – Details, Sustainability, and Financials
For Exercise 8, the goal was to come up with a spreadsheet detailing out the financials for The Campfire (still my working title for this event!), per my visual model from Exercise 7. I started out basic and tried not to add any of the extra stuff like sound/lighting techs, marketing teams, or anything that just felt like it would […]
Method Initiative (Round 4) – Exercise 6: 10 People Closer to Your Field
The purpose of Exercise 6 of Method Initiative was to get more advice, but this time from people “closer to your field.” This means we’re going a step beyond friends and family to people who may actually have some experience in the field of your project. Since my project is creating a story-telling session with nature as a theme, initially […]
Method Initiative (Round 4) – Exercise 7: Create a Visual Model
If you’ve been following my Initiative exercises this time around, you might be wondering where my Exercise 6 reflection is. The answer is: I’m still working on exercise 6, since getting 10 people who can give me advice on my project takes some time. Because finishing exercise 6 wasn’t really hindering starting exercise 7, I just went ahead and did […]