Bamboo is awesome. No, really. Like, ‘inspires awe’ awesome. Really. Asia figured this out a long time ago and has been using bamboo for centuries. It grows quickly, it’s strong but flexible, and can be used to make thousands of different objects, structures, and even foods. It grows faster than any plant in the world, and it pulls CO2 out […]
YT: What’s the difference between Vegetarian and Vegan?
What’s the difference between a vegetarian and a vegan? And why would you ever want to become one? Let’s talk about it!
YT: What is the Carbon Footprint of A Strawberry?
The video version of my blog post on the carbon footprint created from the lifecycle of a strawberry (as well as every other item in the supermarket!).
The Carbon Footprint of a Strawberry
Have you ever thought about what the carbon footprint of a strawberry is? Ever considered how much of an impact a strawberry has on climate change? Probably not. I certainly hadn’t. Let’s carbonalyze a strawberry. Okay, I made that word up. But it works. Carbon + analyze. I like it. I’m keeping it. Let’s say you live in New York. […]