Recently, I’ve been spending a lot of time learning about connecting with my own emotions, being more assertive, and how to be a better leader, particularly when it comes to sustainability and with my family and friends. Assertiveness and and emotional connection feel like something I could teach myself, but I find leadership to be a more elusive skill to […]
Method Initiative – Exercise 1: The Personal Essay
Exercise #1: The Personal Essay Am I ever going to accomplish something truly significant? Am I too old now for becoming someone that could change the world, or even a small group of people only 1 degree of separation from me – a.k.a friends and family? Am I just not good enough to become someone that important? Or that well-known? […]
Learning To Lead: Essay #2: Perception, Focus, and Attention
Leadership Step By Step, Unit 1, Chapter 2: Perception, Focus, and Attention (Essay #2) For Unit 1, Chapter 2: Perception, Focus, and Attention in Josh’s book, we turn our focus inward to ourselves. To begin, Josh recommended trying an exercises called the Three Raisins Exercise. In this exercise designed to help practice mindfulness and becoming self-aware, you basically go through […]
Learning To Lead: Essay #1: The Personal Essay
Leadership Step By Step, Unit 1: Understanding Yourself – The Personal Essay (Essay #1) Recently, I’ve started reading Joshua Spodek’s Leadership Step By Step, a book that teaches, as the title suggests, a step by step methodology for becoming a better leader in whatever area you choose. Each chapter ends with an exercise that he recommends you do to advance […]